
Thursday, May 24, 2012


I feel like I have so much to say, and then at the same time nothing at all.  Things have been so busy lately and it doesn't look like they will slow down any time soon.  I don't think life ever really slows down when you have a family...there is always something to do :)

My baby turned 6 months old last Sunday.  I still cannot believe it!  She also has two teeth...where is my baby going?!  When I was pregnant I was talking to another Mom, she has a little boy who is a year and a half.  I was telling her I couldn't picture my baby at a year and a half and how would I handle it?  She said "You know it's so funny.  I thought the exact same thing!  But as each stage comes, I was just so ready for it."  And she is so right!  I have a baby who sits up and eats in her high chair and is about to crawl!  And as much as I miss the moments where she would just sleep and snuggle in my arms for hours, I am ready for all that is about to come!

Clayton's baseball and softball season is starting to slow down.  There are only two teams left and in two weeks it will be completely over.  I am ready!  We miss him while he is working.  And we are looking forward to relaxing this summer.  We are really excited to roadtrip it this summer to Cincinnati!  Our cousin is getting married and we can't wait!  Any tips on taking a 15 hour roadtrip with a baby?

I am all over the place with this feels good!! 

We had Kennedy baptized last weekend.  It was such a beautiful ceremony and day.  I'll leave you with a photo of her baptism day! 

Kenendy's Baptism - Her Godparents (pictured) are amazing!  Her Godmother and I have been best friends for 18 years and her Godfather and Clayton have been best friends for 9 years, and have known each other for 13!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Music Monday: Issue 12

I haven't done a Music Monday post in almost a year and half, but I always had fun with them.  So I am going to try and bring them back :) I will also try to keep the songs adult friendly, haha!  I am sure you don't need to hear Baby Beluga on your Monday morning ;-)

I don't think songs get much better than this...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Embrace the Camera 5.3.12

Sorry things have been a little quiet here.  Kennedy hasn't been sleeping well, which means Mama hasn't been sleeping well.  And of course that means I'd rather lay on the couch than do ANYTHING when she naps :) 

The sleep issue finally caught up with me this Tuesday.  It was not one of my prettier moments, err days.  I had no patience for Clayton, Kennedy or the furbabies.  The day seemed to last forever.  I was irritable and I complained about anything and everything, to anyone who would listen.  Instead of putting her down for a proper nap, I gave in and put her in the carseat so I could drive around for an hour.  She wasn't in a terrible mood, but the old saying "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" rings pretty true.  I did try though.  I tried to change my ugly attitude.  Kennedy went down for her afternoon nap around 2:00 and I went immediately to bed, hoping a nap for myself would help.  I woke up an hour later, feeling better.  But that nap quickly wore off.  I was still crabby and I started a fight with Clayton.  I have no idea what it was about, even 2 days later.  I needed more time, so I got in the car and went to McDonald's for a blue powerade...haha.  I came home and Clayton had fed Kennedy and she was taking her evening nap (maybe all the naps is why she isn't sleeping well...hmmmm.) The rest of the day was fine, I adjusted my attitude and that makes for a much happier home.  I tell you all of this because of this photo...

Instagram photo
This was taken Tuesday morning...In the middle of my bad attitude.  But the beautiful thing about it is that I won't remember the bad attitude, the crabby mama, or the irritation of the day.  All I will remember from this day was THIS moment.  My baby girl, cuddled up with me and reading a book.  In 5, 10, 30 years from now I will look at this picture and remember nothing from the day other than how she felt in my arms, how sweet she smelled, how warm we were wrapped in our blankie and how much I loved this moment.  To me this is the perfect moment...and perfect reason to embrace the camera!!

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