
Thursday, May 24, 2012


I feel like I have so much to say, and then at the same time nothing at all.  Things have been so busy lately and it doesn't look like they will slow down any time soon.  I don't think life ever really slows down when you have a family...there is always something to do :)

My baby turned 6 months old last Sunday.  I still cannot believe it!  She also has two teeth...where is my baby going?!  When I was pregnant I was talking to another Mom, she has a little boy who is a year and a half.  I was telling her I couldn't picture my baby at a year and a half and how would I handle it?  She said "You know it's so funny.  I thought the exact same thing!  But as each stage comes, I was just so ready for it."  And she is so right!  I have a baby who sits up and eats in her high chair and is about to crawl!  And as much as I miss the moments where she would just sleep and snuggle in my arms for hours, I am ready for all that is about to come!

Clayton's baseball and softball season is starting to slow down.  There are only two teams left and in two weeks it will be completely over.  I am ready!  We miss him while he is working.  And we are looking forward to relaxing this summer.  We are really excited to roadtrip it this summer to Cincinnati!  Our cousin is getting married and we can't wait!  Any tips on taking a 15 hour roadtrip with a baby?

I am all over the place with this feels good!! 

We had Kennedy baptized last weekend.  It was such a beautiful ceremony and day.  I'll leave you with a photo of her baptism day! 

Kenendy's Baptism - Her Godparents (pictured) are amazing!  Her Godmother and I have been best friends for 18 years and her Godfather and Clayton have been best friends for 9 years, and have known each other for 13!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Music Monday: Issue 12

I haven't done a Music Monday post in almost a year and half, but I always had fun with them.  So I am going to try and bring them back :) I will also try to keep the songs adult friendly, haha!  I am sure you don't need to hear Baby Beluga on your Monday morning ;-)

I don't think songs get much better than this...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Embrace the Camera 5.3.12

Sorry things have been a little quiet here.  Kennedy hasn't been sleeping well, which means Mama hasn't been sleeping well.  And of course that means I'd rather lay on the couch than do ANYTHING when she naps :) 

The sleep issue finally caught up with me this Tuesday.  It was not one of my prettier moments, err days.  I had no patience for Clayton, Kennedy or the furbabies.  The day seemed to last forever.  I was irritable and I complained about anything and everything, to anyone who would listen.  Instead of putting her down for a proper nap, I gave in and put her in the carseat so I could drive around for an hour.  She wasn't in a terrible mood, but the old saying "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" rings pretty true.  I did try though.  I tried to change my ugly attitude.  Kennedy went down for her afternoon nap around 2:00 and I went immediately to bed, hoping a nap for myself would help.  I woke up an hour later, feeling better.  But that nap quickly wore off.  I was still crabby and I started a fight with Clayton.  I have no idea what it was about, even 2 days later.  I needed more time, so I got in the car and went to McDonald's for a blue powerade...haha.  I came home and Clayton had fed Kennedy and she was taking her evening nap (maybe all the naps is why she isn't sleeping well...hmmmm.) The rest of the day was fine, I adjusted my attitude and that makes for a much happier home.  I tell you all of this because of this photo...

Instagram photo
This was taken Tuesday morning...In the middle of my bad attitude.  But the beautiful thing about it is that I won't remember the bad attitude, the crabby mama, or the irritation of the day.  All I will remember from this day was THIS moment.  My baby girl, cuddled up with me and reading a book.  In 5, 10, 30 years from now I will look at this picture and remember nothing from the day other than how she felt in my arms, how sweet she smelled, how warm we were wrapped in our blankie and how much I loved this moment.  To me this is the perfect moment...and perfect reason to embrace the camera!!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Gotta love an Easter post, a week and half later, right?!  We were super busy for Easter but had a great time with family.  Friday night we went out for a nice dinner with my Dad, Bonus Mom and sisters.  Saturday we had a grown up easter egg hunt with my Mom, Clay and sisters...all the eggs had money in them and there was one golden egg, which I found, that had big money inside!!!  Saturday evening we spent celebrating our cousins 6th birthday with my in laws!  And Sunday we went to church with my Grandmother, the Dallas pooch parade with my Mom, Clay and sisters (such a fun event) and had dinner with my in laws.  I have a few photos to share with you, but they are of none of those events...haha!  It is so hard to be involved in the festivities, be an active parent and take photos so usually the photos get the short end of the stick.  These are photos of baby girl getting her Easter basket from the Easter bunny...which admittedly didn't happen until Monday morning, le sigh.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

4 Years

Four years ago I opened my heart to the love of my life.

Four years ago today I finally accepted Clayton's invitation to hang out. I knew he liked me and he tried very hard for a few months to get me to just hang out with him and his friends. I always declined. I just wasn't sure I was ready to let him in. I wasn't sure I was ready to date anyone. He was a nice guy and funny-always made me laugh! I just had my own hang ups.

Four years ago I decided to let go and give it a shot, he sure as hell deserved it. He never gave up on asking me out and I am so glad he didn't.

Four years ago we hung out and watched The Secret Window. Our first date-something I look back on now and see just how perfectly us it was!

We truly were inseparable after that. It was obvious to everyone we worked with (oh yeah, we met while working together, so when I say he asked me out for months he asked almost everyday-amazing he never gave up on me. He saw our future before I could.) The only time we've been apart since that day four years ago was that summer when I went on a family vacation. And of course we talked multiple times everyday on the phone. So in 3.5 years we haven't been apart for more than a few hours (work days and such.) And I would not have it any other way.

He is my husband, my best friend, my life and one true love. I thank God everyday that this amazing man was able to see something that at first I couldn't and that he had the strength and determination to see it through!

We've come a long way in just four short years and I cannot wait to see where the rest of our journey takes us.

The first photo taken of us together...May 6, 2008

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Embrace the Camera

Embrace the Camera was started by Emily over at The Anderson Crew.  I think it such an amazing idea that I had to start participating!  The idea is to get into the photos you take of the people you love.  Friends, family, spouse, kids, whoever it may be.  I want Kennedy to look back at photos and see me.  I don't have many photos with my mom because she was always the one taking the photos.  So here is this weeks embrace the camera.  And if you have never heard of it, I urge you to check it out and get yourself in those photos!!

Edited in Picasa with the 60's filter
Kennedy and I discovering all the goodies the Easter Bunny brought her...How awesome are those glasses?!  E.B. also brought the paci, some bunny ears, Peter Rabbit stuffed animal and other goodies!

Monday, April 9, 2012


AND IT FEELS SO GOOD!!  Oh dearest pinterest!  I have missed you so much.  I gave up pinterest for Lent so yesterday, Easter Sunday I was able to log back in :)  I have been on pinterest for over a year and over the Lenten season they made a few updates and changes.  I got to read about it in my email and long for the day when I could check it out myself.  I have to say, so far so good...slow clap for the new changes!

You can follow me here.  I need to start getting to work on some of the things I have point in just pinning, need to start doing!  Was there anything I missed while I was gone?  Any pins I NEED to repin?  So glad to be back :D

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kennedy's Moment: Big News

When we left off at Kennedy's Moment: The Decision I had just taken a pregnancy test after a few months of "trying" for a baby. 

I knew before I even took the test what the result was going to be.  I had felt differently for about 2 weeks, and that couldn't just be in my head.  March 22nd, the day I was supposed to start my period, I went to the store and purchased a pack with two pregnancy tests.  I got home and tested immediately.  Inconclusive.  Apparently I had done something wrong.  I would have to wait to retest.  I waited about an hour, until I knew I could use the restroom again.  They say it's best to test right when you wake up, but I figured testing at 11:00 in the morning was good enough and if I got another inconclusive I would just go get another set of tests and wait until the next day.  I sat there and waited the required 3 mintues...willing myself not to even glance at the test before then.  3 minutes pass and...

I will spare you the dorky pictures I took of myself after getting this glorious result!
I was in complete shock...extremely excited but still shocked!  I had about an hour before Clayton would be home for lunch.  I wanted to tell him in some grand exciting way.  I couldn't think of anything.  I really should have thought all this through before even taking the test!  I sat down and wrote him a note on some pretty stationary I have.  I wrapped the test and note and put them in a gift bag (I am still pretty disappointed with blah!)  I then proceeded to pace around the house like a crazy person until he got home.

I tried to act normal and cool when Clayton walked through the door.  I put the bag on the kitchen counter and decided I'd just let him "find" it when he found it.  I wasn't going to prod or push.  My hands were shaking and my legs felt like jello.  I knew he would be excited, but I was so nervous!  Clayton on the other hand was preoccupied with telling me some story...I have no idea what the story was about...I was just nodding and "mmhmming" waiting for this story to be over!  It seemed to last FOREVER.  Finally he noticed the gift bag.  "What is this?!" he asked.  I couldn't say a word.  He read the note first and before he even finished reading he gasped and looked over at me with the biggest smile!  All my nerves were washed away with that smile.  He came over and hugged me and we talked about the reality that was setting in...WE WERE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!

I wanted to wait to tell our families until we were a little further along.  I figured out with an online calculator that we were due November 24th and I was only 4 1/2 weeks along.  I knew that might not be true, but I would have to wait until my doctor could confirm and I knew from my sisters pregnancy that they wouldn't even schedule an appointment for me until I was at least 8 weeks.  I wanted to wait until we were at least 12 weeks, until we reached the "safe zone."  But Clayton was not interested in that plan.  He waited two days and then told his sister.  Coming just about a month after her news, she was shocked.  I was nervous about telling her more than anyone.  I did not want her to feel like we were stealing her thunder.  We had been waiting for this moment for a few months and the timing would surely make it seem like that is exactly what we were trying to do.  I think she probably did end up feeling that way a little bit, and I hate that.  But she was awesome and never made us feel like it.  I think Clayton ended up calling his mom to tell his parents a little later that evening.  She might have been more shocked!  Two grandbabies at once!  Now with my in-laws in the know, it was time to spill the beans to my family.

I was still apprehensive about telling people so early.  I was visitng my sister and baby niece the day after Clayton told his family.  I was still undecided about when I would tell my family.  I decided to tell my sister that day.  I was holding my niece and said "Do you want a baby cousin?  I hope so because you are going to get one!"  My sister said "WAIT?! WHAT?! Are you pregnant?!"  I told her yes and asked her not to tell Mom!  She immediately got out her pregnancy books and had me take them home with me.  I felt upset when I found out she was going to have a baby first, but in that moment I realized how cool it was.  I was going to be able to ask my little sister for advice.  I didn't have to wonder if this or that was normal, I could just call her up and ask, that was an amazing feeling (I got doubly lucky with having my sis in law to ask too!)  I went home that afternoon still wondering when to tell my parents.

My Mom called me a week after I found out our big news to chat.  I figured there was no better time than the present and told her she was getting a second grandbaby!  I think maybe I was nervous to tell my parents because what would they think of two babies so close together...but immediately my Mom was congratulating us and was so excited!  I told her I needed to call my Dad and Stepmom and baby sister.  Calling them really was a blur.  I was on the phone for about 4 hours that day.  Everyone was so excited though!

Now that everyone knew, we just had to wait until our first appointment.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Kennedy's Moment: The Decision

I know I said this wouldn't be a mommy blog, I might have lied.  I am still not sure!  I do want to do a little series of Kennedy's Moments though.  In this series (ha, that sounds serious and professional...I assure you, it's not!) I wanted to recap the road we took before Kennedy was born.  Just to document my thoughts, feelings, desires, fears, whatever else I feel like sharing on our journey to becoming parents.  So here is the first installment of Kennedy's Moments: The Decision.

We had talked about having a baby since before we were married.  Obviously we knew we would wait until we were married and we decided the timing was right (when is it ever right?  It's true when people say never.)  We were married in May 2010 and babies were the furthest thing from my mind.  I was really enjoying being a newlywed and the life we had with our furbabies.  Then I got a call from my sister...she was pregnant!  For those who might not know I am the oldest sister, then comes my middle sister and baby sister.  So for me it was always just assumed that I would be the first to have a baby, I mean I am the oldest, so it only makes sense.  I was very confused emotionally with my sisters news, partially because "aren't I supposed to be the one having a baby?" and partially because of my sisters situation (which isn't my story to tell.) 

After a while, maybe a month or so I came to grips that I would not be the one giving my parents their first grandchild.  I would not be the one to give my Grandmother her first great grandchild (this might have been harder to swallow than giving my parents their first grandchild...I am my Grandmothers first grandchild and we always talk about how special of a bond we have because of that.)  I would be a kick ass aunt though!  I was over the moon excited to have a niece on the way and hey, I would be the one to give my in laws their first grandchild so that's pretty cool!

Except that I wasn't. 

We moved to East Texas in November 2010 and in December decided that we would not necessarily TRY for a baby, but if it happened we would be more than ready for one! 
*Disclaimer: I do not want the rest of this post to be misunderstood.  We were very blessed to have such an easy time getting pregnant.  I cannot imagine the pain many couples go through.  With that being said, I was very naive and my thoughts during this time reflect that of a young woman who truly did not know better.*  Our friends and family were constantly asking "So when can we expect a baby?!"  And I would lie, lie, lie..."Oh, we are not even close to being ready for that!"  "Ugh, not for a while, no thank you!"  It was something I felt was too sacred to share with anyone but Clayton.  I didn't want anyone to know, didn't want to have to answer more questions.  I am still happy with this decision.  In December my period did not come.  I was over a week late.  I took a pregnancy test...negative.  I waited another week...negative.  And another week...negative again.  I decided I needed to see my doctor.  I made an appointment and we discussed everything that had been going on.  She did not find anything and gave me a medication to jump start my period.  I still do not know what really happened, but regardless it felt awful.

Fast forward to the last week in February.  My sister is going to be induced in one week!  I am so excited I cannot believe I am going to become an aunt in one week.  I was spending the day in Dallas with my sister, helping her tie up a few last minute shopping at Target, when I get a phone call from my sister in law...she hasn't had her period in what she thinks might be a few months.  She has me ask my sister some early pregnancy symptoms thinking she might be experiencing some.  I tell her to get a test and just find out!  On my way back home that evening sis in law calls back...I am going to be an aunt, again!  We talked for 45 minutes or so and I tell her how excited I am for her...and I truly mean it!  It isn't until the phone call ends that I start to feel sorry for myself.  I won't be the one giving my in laws their first grandchild.  I am not pregnant.  Maybe I can't get pregnant.  Life isn't fair.  I was born to be a mother, I guess I'll just have to settle for aunt.  I realize how irrational all of these thoughts were, but really you can't ask a woman to be rational all the time!

I had a week to feel sorry for myself.  Then on March 3rd my niece was born and everything was alright in my world again.  I was optimistic about having a baby and was at peace with the thought of it'll happen when it is meant to happen.  And boy that thought could not have been more right!  On March 22nd I took a test...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life's Little (or big) Moments

Last we "talked" Clayton and I packed up our bags and headed out East to East Texas, that is!  A few months later I quit my job and became a "domestic engineer."  I failed horribly in keeping up with my Project 365 (really want to complete one though, maybe next year!)  And my sister was expecting her first baby.

Since then we have been in East Texas for a little over a year now and we love it!  I won't lie and say it is perfect all the time...there are times when I really miss living in a big city and miss my family and friends being 15 minutes away.  But for the most part we truly enjoy it here.  Clayton is kicking ass and taking names at work, haha.  He is the News & Sports Director so in addition to hourly news and the morning show he does play by play for all the East Texas high school sports (not all the schools but about 10 of them.  And not all sports just football, girls and boys basketball, baseball & softball.)  He keeps busy, that is for sure!

My sister gave birth to my amazing, beautiful niece on March 3rd...

I am an Aunt!
And we just celebrated her 1st birthday!!

My beautiful Nieceypoo

Just one week before my niece was born, my sister in law found out she was expecting her first baby!

One month later, we found out we were also expecting!!

Just 3 days before my second niece was born! 
Nieceypoo #2 - Such an angel!
On November 20, 2011 ( awesome is that birthday!?) I gave birth to our precious, perfect daughter!  We did not find out the sex of the baby until she arrived and honestly we were both surprised she was a girl!

We had names picked out for either gender and were so happy to have our sweet little Kennedy in our arms!

My baby is now 4 months old and I am lucky enough to get to stay home with her everyday.  Clayton works so hard for the both of us.

So that is what I've been up to!  Lots and lots of babies, haha!  Our family has been blessed three times (well, 4 really...we had a cousin give birth to their first the same day as my sister!) over and we are so excited to watch the babies grow up together.  I guess it doesn't sound like too much has happened over the last year or so, but growing a baby sure is time consuming :)  I don't want this blog to completely become a mommy blog but Kennedy is a huge part of who I am now.  And in turn a lot of my projects have become baby projects.  I guess I'm just really trying to say I don't know where this blog is headed but I hope you (my one reader, ha!) are around for the ride!

Monday, March 26, 2012


I am wanting very much to get back to blogging here...I am having a hard time with the private blog I mentioned.  I LOVE that blog so much, I wanted to take it "public" but have some fears in doing so.  So I think a happy medium for me will be to continue to post there, but also bring certain posts here.  I looked into possibly having that done automatically and it isn't really possible.  So I will be cutting and pasting posts I think might jive here. 

I also need to do an update on our lives post...things have definitely changed :)

Don't be fooled by the look on Clayton's face...he is thrilled!

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