
Thursday, February 10, 2011

HouseWife Approved

I have been a stay at home wife for a week and a half now.  I can't really explain it, but I am not sure how I did everything around the house and worked before, because now my whole day is spent doing stuff around the house and it never seems done!  Of course, I have much more time now to relax with Clayton when he gets home from work-so maybe that is where my time is spent?! 

I wanted to post today to show off how I am now officially housewife approved...

Yep, I wore my slippers all day today :) Well, technically not ALL day, just the afternoon.  But-it is very cold and they're just so comfy!  Any other house wives out there?  How do you spend the time that you aren't working?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bird Moment

I was going through my reader this morning and I came across a video that had me cracking up. I found the video on Sarah's blog Thrifty Decor Chick.

This video is so great!  First of all...I am totally Bryce Shivers...I love birds on things, haha.  And I would completely freak out like he does "straight up just got dust right in my eyes!! Just paint the bird or whatever it is you need to do and don't blow on things!" I think Clayton could attest to that!  I love birds in paintings, photos, songs (evidenced here), you name it, I want a bird on it.  But I am deathly afraid of them in real life...they are gross, they carry diseases and their little heads freak me out.

Hope you enjoyed the video as much as I did, ha!  Anyone else freakishly afraid of live birds?  Maybe you're pinning for a bird on your pillow?!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

January Recap

January 1st I decided to start a project 365, you can read more about that herehere.  And I've kept up with it surprisingly well.  Though there were a few days that I got desperate at 10:00 at night and took some pretty random pictures.  I have detailed posts over on my 365 blog...but I wanted to give you a recap of all the pictures I took in January.
They are in no particular order and I think I need to find a better collage program.  I wasn't able to move any of the photos around so there are a few that don't even really capture the photo at all, such as the last row, first and third pictures.  

January was extremely busy for us.  I threw my sister a baby shower, we went from having three residences to one, a trip to Austin, lots of crafting (mostly for said baby shower) and I left my job.  I am now a stay at home wife and once I get our home settled from the moves I want to put more time into blogging, our puppies, my soon to be here niece, my health and looking for a part time job.

Anyone else have a crazy busy January?

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