I'd like to introduce you to our furbabies. They will be mentioned often on the blog so you should be able to place a name to a pretty little face :)
Our first furbaby is Turco. I was with a friend at a petstore in October of 2004, just looking, and this kitten with the biggest kitten eyes you ever have seen was starring back at us. He was 100% an impulse buy. I do not suggest this to anyone, but I am so glad I did! He was $70, but the lady at the petstore gave me his sob story, "He was the only male kitten in the litter and all his sisters were adopted so quickly. He doesn't like being taken out of the cage, so he turns people off with his crying, but he is the sweetest kitten ever." To top it off she loaded me up with cat food, cat littler, litter box, toys and treats FOR FREE...just for adopting him!
Turco, also known as Turk, Turkey, fat cat, and mountain lion. (Just a few days after coming home)
Turco got his name from my friends boyfriend, I wasn't coming up with anything I liked and he was a huge hockey fan and suggested Turco, after former Dallas Star goalie, Marty Turco. It was better than anything I had come up with! He is the laziest, fattest (he weighs 18 lbs.) cat I've ever seen, but I love him! He is such a snuggly, lovey cat. When Clayton and I first started dating it took Clayton a long time to warm up to Turk, but now he sees how awesome he truly is!
Our second furbaby is Jake. I had wanted a dog (why at 19 I thought I needed/wanted a dog and cat are still beyond me...I would also not suggest adopting pets until you are 100% on your own....still I don't regret adopting either of them!) but I wanted to make sure I got my puppy while Turco was still little so they would get along. I went to the SPCA in May 2005 and picked out the cutest puppy ever!!
Jake also known as Jakey, Jakers, Swamp fox, Snip, Snake, Jakey Bo Bakey
Jakey did not have an easy beginning though. I adopted him on Saturday and by Wednesday he was in the overnight ER vet. I found out he had parvovirus. Parvo is a deadly disease, causing Jake not to eat or drink. Typically parvo puppies dies of dehydration. He was at the vet for 5 days...they treated him with an iv to keep fluids in him and by the fourth day he had regained enough strength to bark at the vet technicians and chew through his iv. Jake and I were EXTREMELY lucky...Please please make sure to get your puppy vaccinated!!! And just because you've adopted a dog who supposedly has had their vaccinations, take them to your vet and get them a checkup, at the minimum.
Jakey is now almost 6 and the greatest dog. He loves to swim in the creek, lake or anything natural, but won't even get near a pool...we've tried! He will lay with you on the couch or walk 2 miles around the park. He is just so easy going plus incredibly cute!
Our third and FINAL furbaby is Mattison. My in-laws had been thinking about getting a puppy for some time and finally decided in February of this year that it was time. They knew they wanted an australian shepherd as the dog Clayton had growing up was an aussie mix. They went to look at the puppies and came home with not one, but two!! We were all so surprised!
Me playing with Mattison (left) and Rowen (right) the day they came home
They were 7 weeks old and the cutest little furry things ever! Once they were a little bigger we started taking Jake over to play. They both really looked up to Jake, literally, haha! But Rowen would follow him and mimick whatever Jake was doing and Mattison was happy to watch from a distance. Fast forward to the middle of August, Mattison and Rowen have grown....quite a bit....

And were getting into A LOT of trouble. Imagine two 50+ pound PUPPIES in the mud :) My in-laws made an extremely tough decision to give them up for adoption. Well, my sister in law and her husband really wanted Rowen, and we loved little Mattison so we all decided it would be best for the four of us to adopt them. We were a little nervous how Jake would handle having a puppy in the house but luckily they are thick as thieves.
We were so lucky to have Mattison come into our lives so smoothly and now we can't imagine not having her around!! She is still a handful as any almost 9 month old puppy would be, but she is so sweet-she loves laying in your lap (it doesn't last too long though as she is soon off to find something else to do). We can't wait to start frisbee and agility classes with her in January.
Mattison, also known as Mattie, MatPat, Fattie Mattie, & Mattie bo battie
I just love her freckles...too cute!
So those are our furbabies, sorry some of the picture quality is bad, camera phones :-/ We have a little zoo, but we really wouldn't have it any other way! How about you? Do you have a pet or two?!